Friday, April 23, 2010

The party just NEVER ends here in Olmos!! .... 4th pension in 2 months!

WOW!! I FINALLY have a p-day and get to email you guys! This is the first time in 3 weeks that we´ve had a real p-day because of the flood and moving, and we almost didn´t get p-day again this week because we´re MOVING AGAIN!!! Ay, ay, ay! But this time we´re excited. Sad to leave, but excited too!
K, so here´s the deal (now i can tell you since we´re not going to be here anymore... :). When we came to this area to open it, everyone was really worried cuz for some reason we had ALL of the villa in our ward (and the only areas where the elders get robbed), but the Elders´ area was way more tranquilo. (chill). It wasn´t too bad though.... we just made sure to stay away from those areas at night time, and walk very quickly if we thought something was going to happen. And... I LOVE our area!!!! It´s like my dream come true!! THe people are absolutely amazing here!
Well, not only was our area a little dangerous, but then we moved from the hermana´s pension to our new pension which wasn´t in the best area either. EVERYTHING around it is great, except our little street! We live in a tiny little apartment, and in our building there´s about 10 apartments in total, and we havent seen a single woman who lives there. Then, to make matters worse, they´re doing a lot of construction on our street, and at night there´s not a lot of light, and there´s ALWAYS tons of men who are always making cat calls (which is nothing new in Argentina, but when there´s SO MANY right where you live, its not so great). Not so great for Hermanas I guess. But... Dont you worry!!! The people who take care of the pensions found a brand new pension in Olmos that´s SUPER safe and right next to the capilla, so tomorrow we´´re moving there and the ELders are coming here to our pension. Poor kids. They´re the ones who picked out this pension and now they dont even get to live there.
So... that´s the deal now. We´re SUPER sad to leave our area because we´ve met so many amazing people, but it´ll be better this way. Plus, at least we´ll still be in the campo (country) and not in the city. Oh... and we´re gonna have bikes.... YESSSSSS!!!!! I´m so excited!
One other good thing, too, is that President is letting us keep a few investigators to come and visit, since we´re all still in the same ward. We´re WAY excited, because we´ve been finding some amazing people lately!! I think i might have mentioned it before, but this week we found a GINORMOUS family! THe Molina family basically owns Los Hornos. They are 15 kids who are all grown up now and all live super close to each other, and all have like 4-10 kids each of their own. Its INSANE! They invited us to a birthday party so we stopped by to say hi and meet the rest of the family, and there´s like 200 in total! :) I LOVE IT! Even better, this week we found out about half of them have already listened to the missionaries, and one of them, Jose, was even going to get baptised a few years ago! :) So... we´re really excited to see what happens with them!
Anyways, I´ve chatted enough. Sorry... there´s just so many exciting things going on, and i havent even said half of it! No worries... next week I´ll share even more! Hehe... hope yal made it to the end of this :) The work is going GREAT here in Argie though. It´s neat to see how Heavenly Father prepares people to receive the gospel. All it takes is for us to open our mouths and share it with others! So... Be bold, get some guts, and talk to those you love! It´s the best thing we can possibly do for them, introducing them to something that brings more happiness than anything else in this world.
I love you all tons!! Be good and smile lots!! Thanks for all the love and support!! :)
Hermana Dev

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