Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I hope they call me on a mission....

I have been called to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. My initial area of assignment is the Argentina Buenos Aires South mission. I report to the Provo MTC on May 20, 2009.


and I'm SOOOO stinking excited!! When I opened my mission call I couldn't believe that I was going to Argentina!! I've studied Spanish for 5 years, so I was thrilled when I learned that I would get to speak it on my mission! Also, last August I went to Peru on a humanitarian trip to work in an orphanage there and absolutely fell in love with the people in South America! Yes, Argentina isn't Peru and I'll be in the city instead of the poor country areas, but it's still South AMerica!! I'm so excited. I couldn't be more thrilled.

After waiting almost 8 weeks for my mission call, it finally came the end of February. A TON of friends and family came over to open it with me, which was a blast!! It was so nice to have everyone there supporting me! When I opened the letter and saw that it was Argentina I just laughed, since that's where Allen (my brother) went as well!

All in all, I am so excited to serve the Lord and am grateful for his trust in me. I only have two weeks now until I leave, and have so much left to do to get ready! I'm sure it will all work out just fine though.

1 comment:


    I wrote this comment in castellano so you can start practicing:

    Parece que las oficinas de la mision ya no están donde estaban antes. Antes estaban en la ciudad de Lomas de Zamora y ahora aparentemente están en la ciudad de Adrogué.

    Me acordé de otra cosa que dicen en Argentina. Siempre dicen "loco" y "che". Por ejemplo: Che loco, ¿que hacés? Eso significa "Hey man, what´s happening?"

    ¿Ya sabés de como los argentinos hablan en vos?

    Estoy re celoso de vos. Suerte...
