Thursday, July 16, 2009


Only meaning that once again i had to go to another appointment, which i DO NOT like!! It's all good though. This time it was pretty interesting... for the last week my front tooth has been killing me so finally my companions convinced me to go see the dentist, and its a good thing I did! It turns out that... well... long story. When i was 12 years old I face-planted on a concrete ramp and broke my front tooth. Apparently when that happened it blocked off the blood supply, so my tooth is dead now! Guacala. SOOO.... I have to get a root canal. On Monday they drilled a hold in my tooth and scraped out the inside, and i have to go back on Friday to get it filled. Crazy huh?! The craziest part is that right now I'm double insured medically but I have no dental insurance, so we were going to have to pay for it out of pocket and I was supposed to call home to tell them how much it would cost. The dentist just started doing the procedure, so I asked how much it costs and that I needed to check with my dad.... knowing that these things are usually $300-500, but he said "well.. for you... it'll only cost 2 or 3 pesos." Later he told me that he wanted to do it for me completely FREE!!!! Crazy huh>?!> I was so grateful!! (and my parents too I'm sure!). Oh the blessings of being a missionary! :) Oh.... and I still got to call home and talk to my mommy to let them know what was going on! (Sorry to those of you who were at home.... I tried calling there first! Now for the next 18 months you'll always answer the phone :)
> ANYWAYS>.... aside from that I've been good. I only have 13 DAYS left in the MTC!!!!!!!! crazy huh>? I should be getting my flight plans this thursday, and I leave a week from Monday! I'm so excited!!! I'm definitely ready to go.
> Oh... PS>... Happy 4th of July!! They treated us good here at the MTC! We got out of class early and went and watched a program they made all about the reformers and how they made it possible for the church to be restored. Pretty cool. Then we got to go outside and watch the stadium of fire fireworks until 11 PM! Pretty rebelious eh? haha. Don't worry.... President Smith gave us permission! It made me a little homesick being away from all my family and friends, but it's all good. It's just a good thing that not every day is a holiday, or else I'd really be in trouble!
> Soo.... no big AMAZING stories or cool quotes for yal this week, but what I've realized the most this week is that whenever anything goes wrong or doesn't happen like you want it to, instead of pouting and getting depressed, just make the best of it! Heavenly Father always knows exactly where you are and knows far better than you what is best for you. So... roll with the punches. Make the best of every situation, no matter how bad it seems to be at that time. And through everything, NEVER forget to smile. Even if you have to fake it, smiling ALWAYS helps you feel better!!
> I love you all. Be good.
> Besos! Hermanita Churchill
> AKA Devee!

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