Monday, November 30, 2009


First off, today´s my 6 month mark! CRAZY! It´s pretty funny, because at the beginning of the mish it seemed to drag a little, but now it seems like I just left yesterday!!! And yet, I´m already 1/3 of the way through my mission. This is gonna fly, I can already tell!
In other news... Yesterday we had an AMAZING devotional with Elder Bednar. Last week I was told that I was going to play the flute during the program, but they took out the musical numbers last minute... bummer. So, I didn´t play for Elder Bednar. But I also saved myself a whole lot of nervousness! (... is that even a word in English?...)
Anyways, the devotional was absolutely amazing. It was with all 3 of the Buenos Aires missions, and we got to sit right in front of an apostle of the Lord and listen to him speak and answer questions for 3 hours. I think I learned more in those 3 hours than I have in my whole entire life! Elder Snow and his wife were also there, so we got to listen to some amazing messages from them as well. I wish that I could tell you everything I learned yesterday, but even I can´t write it all down. The most amazing part to me, however, wasn´t the words he said or what he told us. Rather it was how the Spirit was able to answer the questions. You have to understand, the whole time he had missionaries just ask questions and he answered them. But, even with 3 hours, he obviously didnñt have time to answer 600 missionaries´ questions. But... that didn´t even matter. I came with questions, some questions I forgot I even had, and although he didn´t specifically answer one of my questions, I left knowing the answer to every one of them because of the spirit there. It´s an amazing thing. Do whatever you can in your life to find that same spirit! Your entire life will change when you realize the unlimited love Heavenly Father has for you.
One specific part that I did like was when Elder Bednar talked about discouragement. A missionary had asked what he does as an apostle whenever he gets discouraged, and he replied in the most simple way, yet it really clicked with me. He said that if he is ever discouraged it is because he is worried about himself. The same goes for us. If we are ever discouraged, it is because we are worried about ourselves. If we quit worrying about ourselves then we won´t be discouraged! It´s that simple. I´ve definitely seen this in the mission, which is why I keep the quote from President Hinckley right above my desk - "Forget yourself and go to work". If you do this I promise you will be happier than ever before!!
Finally, I like the quote Elder Snow shared with us, which he always kept above his own bed on his mission...
"I don´t want to sit at the setting sun and hate myself for what I´ve done"
Think about that a little. I know that all of you are ABSOLUTELY amazing!! I love you and can´t wait to hear from you! Be good, smile tons, and help someone out this week! Love you tons and tons!!
Hermana Devee :)

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