Friday, September 4, 2009

BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Holy WONDERFUL week in Argentina!!
Man... this week has been CRAZY with many crazy moments.... I had a man attack me with a hug and proceed to ask me if we could be friends and if i loved him and if we could eat lunch and chat together (he was a little... different). Kinda weirded out... my companion just sat and stared. Egh. We taught a family who started out with the wife telling us very... strongly.. that her church is the only right one... but ended up in her giving permission for her daughter to be baptised and them inviting us to have an asado with them. Crazy. And.... i dont even know. I million very interesting things happened this week.
The BEST though... was Sunday! Its a VERY long story, but because of some crazy happenings we ended up having 6 investigators at church (this whole transfer we´ve only had 1), found a family of TWELVE PEOPLE, and found 8 new investigators... alll in one day!! It was AMAZING!!!!!!!! The most miraculous was this family. On Saturday an appointment fell through and we were way bummed, but we decided to go back to the chapel and study language there while we waited for our next appointment. That day it turns out the MTC missionaries were proselyting in our area, and when we were in the chapel some of the hermanas ran up to us, telling us they were SOO happy they found us and that they had a reference for us of an awesome family. Sunday we went and met them... the family of 12... and found out that they had been being taught by missionaries a LONG time before, but the missionaries just stopped coming. (most likely because this house doesnt have an address so when the missionaries changed they didnt know where to find them). Anywaysl... long story short.... we got to teach them about Joseph SMith and the restoration, and they accepted invitations to be baptised!!! This family is SOOO amazing!!! There are 10 kids and they all live together, and are SO SO SO prepared!!! Its funny to me though how all of this worked out.... if we hadnt have listened to the various impressions we received throughout the day and if this apt hadnt fallen through, this all never would have happened and again they would have had to wait. Moral of the story: You never know what Heavenly Father´s plans are. Even when things go wrong, remember he is in charge and is ALWAYS watching over you!
Quote of the week is from Elder Dallin H Oaks:
¨Drive and determination are what lead to extraordinary success, not natural ability.¨
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this quote, because its so true!! I believe is a person puts their mind to something and wants to succeed and is willing to work for it, they can accomplish anything!!! So many times, though, people make excuses for themselves or for others. Don´t do this!!!!! There´s a quote from Pres. Kimball I love when he talks about how any excuse, no matter how valid, will always hurt the person. So don´t make excuses!! Even if you´re right!! Instead.... move forward. Try to make the best of what you have, and always push yourself to become better! This is when we find success and when we truly are happy. ¨If you think you can or you think you can´t, you´re right.¨(Henry Ford... i think....)
I love you all!!!!! I hope all is wonderful. Smile TONS:... it will do miracles for you! I am loving being a missionary and a part of this great work. I pray for all of you and hope that life is everything you could dream of and more!!
Hermana Dev

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