Friday, October 30, 2009

´´ They walked... and walked... and walked... and walked.... ´´

Man are our feet getting a beating!! This week we have been running like crazy!! Literally :) We started Noche de Luz practices and have had to cram in everything else so tight, but somehow we´re still getting everything done! It´s funny though... I thought my life was SO hectic and busy before the mission, but now.... it´s just a more organized version of busy :) Funny moment of the week... we had stake conference this week, and 2 of our investigators came with us to the church, one of which was Raul, the man with the broken arm who has a baptismal date in 2 weeks. Anyways... we were sitting in conference and they started to do the sustainings, so we were explaining what it was and how by raising our arm to the square we show that we will support the people who are being called to each position , and so on. Anyways... when we explained this in the middle of it all he raised his hand and said ´´well, can i do it for you too? I want to support the two of you too because you´re angels.´´ :) It was nice of him. We explained quickly so he put his hand done, but it was pretty funny. Gotta love the little moments that make you smile :) This week I´ve really thought a lot just about how incredibly happy I am, and for SO many reasons. First off, I love my mission. Being able to serve people all day, every day is a dream come true, and brings more happiness than imaginable. People always talk to us about how terrible it must be not watch movies, listen to the radio, or even talk to our family more than a single email each week, but really.... I wouldn´t have it any other way right now. I don´t even notice those things. The quote from.. President Benson I think... about how when we put things in order in our lives and put God first, then all other things will fall into place or drop out of our lives completely... is so true! When you really focus on what´´s most important, all the trivial, meaningless things don´t even matter. I´ve also realized how much I LOVE studying. Have you ever realized how many amazing books and talks there are, that tell us EXACTLY what we need to do to be happy? Yet somehow we still are too busy to read them and apply them to our lives. I know that´s how I was at least. There´s one book in particular I´m talking abuot... yep, how´d you guess it... the Book of Mormon! It´s AMAZING!!!!!!!! By far the coolest book ever!!! :) But it´s SOOO much more than just a book too! It´s literally the answer to every question, the crutch we need for every trial we face, and the boost of energy we need just to get through the day! Speaking of the Book of Mormon, we started a new goal as a mission this week, to start over and read the entire Book of Mormon this transfer. BUT... not just read it. Rather, we´re reading it and marking a vertical line in the column of each part that applies specifically to us at this point in our lives. I really like this challenge, because at different times in our lives there are different parts that apply to us. SOOOOO... I want to invite each one of you to do the same challenge with me!!! A transfer is a long time... 6 weeks... so it´s not terribly hard. Only about 15 pages each day and you´ll be good. But instead of marking it like you normally would, ONLY go through and mark the parts that apply specifically to you. I promise that you will find the help or the answers that you are searching for, no matter what it is! Put it to the test, and ´´experiment upon the word´´!!! :) Les prometo muchas bendiciones!! :) Anyways.. I better get going. I hope you all enjoyed the pictures!! Sorry this email is kinda long.. I´´ll be better next week :) I love you all tons!! Have a wonderful Halloween!!!! ANd send me lots of pictures :) I´m sure I´ll have some good ones for yal next week. But... our costume is a secret... you´ll just have to wait and see :) BESITOS! Hermana Devee

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