Hey fam!
Man, this week has been wonderful! It was really hard and we worked a ton, but it all paid off on Saturday and Sunday when Marilù, Braian, Ezequiel, and Cristina got baptized and confirmed!! J I think I already shared with yal their stories, but it`s been amazing teaching them and we`ve been able to see SO many miracles! Marilù and Braian we met about 3 weeks ago, and Cristina and Ezaquiel we started teaching only about 11 days before they got baptized!! They are all SOOO happy, too, now that they`re part of the church!
The Baptism was amazing! We had about 15 investigators there, and a ton of members! Also, Marilù told us a while before that she wanted to make a cake for her baptism, but then Friday night we went over for a lesson, and not only was she making a 3-tier cake, but also chipa, pasta frola, mini pizza`s AND mini alfajores! ... a TON of food!! We couldn`t believe it! Especially because they`re a VERY humble little family in the villa and live in a tiny wood house with very little money. But, she was so excited that she wanted to serve everyone by cooking for them. So, after the baptism we had a big party with everyone, and everyone LOVED it! Now the new investigators who came want to listen and come to church too because they loved the baptism so much!
In other news, Sunday was also a VERY sad day.... probably one of the saddest in my life. I finally realize why people always say they just want to go back to the mission.... it`s because of the amazing people you meet there and the friendships you make. We got transfer calls on Saturday, and I`m now in Burzaco, which is close to Banfield where I started, close to Capital. My comp is Hermana Aravena from Chile, who only has a transfer here, but she`s way cute! I`m sure it`ll be really fun, but it was also SO sad leaving! It was really sweet what everyone had to say. What killed me most was seeing other people cry. One girl I love her I couldn`t even look at on Sunday cuz everytime I did she started crying. It broke my heart so much! And then when I said bye to my bishop and his wife it was even worse. They are SUCH amazing people, I can`t even describe it! It was cute right before I left, cuz bishop accompanied us outside, and started crying and telling me how grateful he was, and then said “I know you guys can`t give hugs, but...” And gave me a huge HUG! My bishop! That was a new one for me in the mission. I didn`t know what to do at first, but I thought, hey... President can hug us to say godbye, so bishop can too. Haha. It was so sweet though. I could not stop crying after I left. That``s the only thing I don`t like about the mission, is having to say goodbye to people you love so much, knowing that you probably won`t get to see them again. BUT... life goes on, and I know that someday I`ll see them again!
Anyways, today was transfer meeting and our last one with President Asay. President Stapley, the new one, gets here in about a week. A lot of my converts and investiators from Banfield came to say hi, so I was way happy. It helped a little to cheer me up after leaving Olmos. Also, I got my TRUNKY PAPERS today! WEIRD! (trunky papers are the papers you have to fill out about flight plans and going home, that they give to you 5-6 months before you go home).
Alright, that`s about it. I better get going. But I love you all! The work of the Lord is absolutely AMAZING, and every one of us is so incredibly lucky that we can all participate in it! Be happy and serve those around you... there`s someone waiting specifically for you! J
Les quiero muchisimo!
Hermana Churchill
1. 1. Waiting to go to the island… 3 de Abril! J 2. BIKES!!!!! 3. Camilo´s baptism! 4. Thanks for the package mommy!! J5. Raul, me and hna fox at transfers meeting… now she´s in Banfield 2 where I was before! 6. Visiting Hna Bach´s family on Monday when we got to stay in Banfield! They were super sweet.